Ms. Mrinalini K, (Ph.D)

Junior Research Fellow
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Ms. Mrinalini K is a Junior Research Fellow at SSN College of Engineering (SSNCE). She is currently pursuing her Ph.D (Full-time) under the guidance of Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi. She has received her B.E degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from RMK Engineering College, Chennai in 2013, and M.E degree in Communication Systems from SSNCE, Chennai in 2015.

To her credit, she is a university rank holder in her post graduation. She has published 3 papers in International and National Conferences. Her area of research is Speech-to-speech machine translation for Indian languages.



  1. K. Mrinalini, T. Nagarajan, P. Vijayalakshmi, “Pause-Based Phrase Extraction and Effective OOV Handling for Low-Resource Machine Translation Systems”, ACM Transactions on Asian and Low Resource Language Information Processing, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 12:1-12:22, Feb 2019.


  1. Lavanya T, Mrinalini K, Vijayalakshmi P, Nagarajan T, "Histogram Matching based Optimized Energy Redistribution for Near End Listening Enhancement", IEEE TENCON'19.
  2. Nirmal Kumar, K. Mrinalini, Vijayalakshmi P. , “Improving the performance of low-resource SMT using neural-inspired sentence generator”, 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer, Communication and Signal Processing, Chennai, India, Feb. 2018, pp. 192-195.
  3. K. Mrinalini, G. Anushiya Rachel, T. Nagarajan, Vijayalakshmi P., “Sentence-Medial Pause Identification for Tamil Synthesis System”, Tamil Internet Conference, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 2017. (best paper award)
  4. Mrinalini K, Sangavi G., Vijayalakshmi P., "Performance Improvement of Machine Translation System using LID and Post-editing", IEEE TENCON 2016, Singapore, pp. 2136-2139, November 2016.
  5. Mrinalini K., Vijayalakshmi P., "LID based Post-Editing for Tamil Machine Translation system", Tamil Internet Conference, Sept-9-11, 2016.
  6. Sangavi, G., Mrinalini K., and Vijayalakshmi P., "Analysis on bilingual machine translation systems for English and Tamil." Computation of Power, Energy Information and Communication (ICCPEIC), 2016 International Conference on. IEEE, pp.245-250, 2016.


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