Ms. T. Lavanya, (Ph.D)

Research Scholar
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Ms. T. Lavanya is currently pursuing her full time Ph.D at SSN College of Engineering under the guidance of Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi. She obtained her UG degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from A.V.C. College of Engineering, Mannampandhal, in the year 2013 and she received her master's degree in Communication Systems, from SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, in the year 2016.

She continued to work at SSN as Research assistant for a period of six months. During the period of her research assistantship, she has worked on "Information theoretic clustering based speaker diarization for meeting environments". She is currently working on developing methods to maintain speech intelligibility in challenging conditions.



  1. A. Ahyisha Shabana, T. Lavanya , P. Vijayalakshmi, “Speaker diarization for conversational speech using Bayesian information criterion”, International journal of pure and applied mathematics, Vol. 119, No.7, 2018, pp. 1109 – 1114.


  1. Lavanya T, Mrinalini K, Vijayalakshmi P., Nagarajan T, "Histogram Matching based Optimized Energy Redistribution for Near End Listening Enhancement", IEEE TENCON'19.
  2. Ahyisha shabana A. , Lavanya T. , Vijayalakshmi P. , “Speaker diarization for conversational speech using Bayesian information criterion”, 2nd International conference on recent trends in engineering and technology, May 2017.